Practical examples and considerations in designing emergency depressurizing systems
Process operating facilities typically process large inventories of gas and volatile hydrocarbon liquids at high pressures, which have the potential of posing major hazards during emergency incidents—such as fire, loss of containment or operating excursion.
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The Authors
Tijani, A. - Saudi Aramco, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Abdulaziz H. Al-Tijani is an Engineering Specialist at Saudi Aramco’s Process and Control Systems Department in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. He earned a BS degree in chemical engineering from King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM) and a MS degree in oil and gas surface facilities from KFUPM (in partnership with IFP). Al-Tijani supports company operations and project design primarily in flare and relief systems and flare gas recovery applications. He also supports Saudi Aramco and JV oil and gas operational facilities, pipelines, process simulations and various phases of projects.
Rodrigues, H. - Siemens, Lisbon, Portugal
Hugo Rodrigues is a Principal Consultant Engineer at Siemens. He has more than 10 yr experience in flare, relief and blowdown studies. He also is responsible for the development of gFLARE software and integrated digital solutions. Rodrigues earned a MS degree in chemical engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico in Portugal. He is a chartered member of the IChemE.
Safar, A. - Siemens, London, UK
Anas Safar is a Senior Consultant Engineer at Siemens. He has more than 9 yr of experience with Aramco in multiple technical areas such as refining operations, NGL fractionation, gas plants and utilities. Safar worked as a Flare and Relief Systems Engineering Consultant, providing technical consultations to all Aramco operating facilities, capital projects and affiliates. He earned a BEng degree from Heriot Watt University and a MSc from the University of Leeds. Safar is also a licensed professional engineer in Texas.
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