Monetize coal seam gas via LNG with optimized treating and liquefaction processes
Coal seam gas (CSG) has been established as a viable source of natural gas. The monetization of CSG resources through LNG projects experienced rapid expansion in recent years as a result of increasing LNG prices.
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The Authors
Mokhatab, S. - Consultant, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Saeid Mokhatab is a world-class expert in the natural gas processing industry who has worked on the design and operation of several gas processing plants, and has contributed to gas processing technology improvements through 300 technical papers and two well-known handbooks published by Elsevier in the US. He has held technical advisory positions for leading professional journals, societies and conferences in the field of gas processing, and has received a number of international awards in recognition of his outstanding work in the natural gas industry.
Towler, B. F. - University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Brian F. Towler is a Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering, as well as the Chair of Petroleum Engineering, for the Center for Coal Seam Gas at the University of Queensland in Australia. Previously, he was a Professor in the Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering at the University of Wyoming in the US for 26 yr, and served as Department Head from 2004–2008. He was also a CEAS Fellow for Hydrocarbon Energy Resources from 2008–2014. His research interests include reservoir engineering and simulation, wellbore integrity and enhanced oil recovery. He has authored three textbooks, including a bestselling book by the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) on reservoir engineering, which is widely used by both practicing engineers and universities. He has been a member of SPE for 36 yr and was one of the members responsible for setting up the Queensland SPE section in Brisbane, Australia. He is a registered Professional Engineer in Wyoming and Queensland.
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