Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining


Petrochemicals: Which network can fulfil the petrochemical sector’s desire to exploit Industry 4.0?

Rajant Corp.: Smith, G.

The global petrochemical industry has not been short of success.

Reliability: Where asset reliability must begin in refineries and petrochemical plants

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Bloch, Heinz P.

Numerous articles on asset reliability have been published in the decades since 1970.

The critical maintenance team: Do you have one?

Consultant: Thorman, G.

Larger plants typically have planners and maintenance supervisors onsite, as well as operations personnel.

Design considerations for rigging and transportation of large process columns

Fluor Daniel India: Sharma, B. K.  |  Bahadur, A.

Design guidelines for rigging and transporting large process columns are outlined in this article, along with the various aspects that should be considered during the initial design phase of equipment.

The top three causes of contractor and engineering misalignment

Accruent: Eichelberger, N.

When contractors, engineers and operations teams at downstream processing plants do not work together at optimal efficiency, it can present serious problems.

How did asset utilization modeling save Sadara $1 B in capital cost?

Sadara Chemical Co.: Hayek, F.  |  Moran, M.

Sadara is a JV between Saudi Aramco and Dow Chemical.

Industry Perspectives: What opportunities will 2019 bring to the global HPI?

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Nichols, Lee

To continue communication and feedback with <i>Hydrocarbon Processing</i>’s global audience, the editors have posted a new poll to HydrocarbonProcessing.com.

Cybersecurity: Why emails should be a cybersecurity priority

Trustifi: Edry, I. U.

The oil and gas industry is becoming increasingly digitized—but is it improving its cybersecurity measures to match?

Viewpoint: European refining 2050: Turning the vision into reality

KBC Advanced Technologies, Inc.: George, S.

Europe’s refiners, through their industry organization Fuels Europe, have set out their long-term ambitions in a new program called Vision 2050.

Digital: Three steps to implement a 21st-century disaster recovery plan

Allegro Development Corp.: Cox, E.

In the wake of Hurricane Florence, businesses across the US had another reminder of how unpredictable and unavoidable disasters are when they strike.