Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining


Consider purpose-driven methods for communicating with engineers

Laporte Consultants Corp. USA: Johnston, G.
ShureLine Construction: Shahani, G.

Technology has dramatically transformed communication methods and, more importantly, the ways that engineers share information with colleagues and clients.

Engineering Case Histories: Case 109: Catastrophic failures and the human factor

Consulting Engineer: Sofronas, A.

A catastrophic failure is defined (for this article) as a failure where lives have been lost and human causes have been a factor.

Executive Viewpoint: Sustainability: Initiatives, innovation and solutions to crucial challenges

Chevron Phillips Chemical: Becker, J.

<i>Hydrocarbon Processing's</i> Editor-in-Chief/Associate Publisher, Lee Nichols, was pleased to speak with Jim Becker (JB), Vice President, Polymers and Sustainability for Chevron Phillips Chemical (CP Chem).

APC maintenance scheduling—Part 2

Oklahoma State University: Mayo, S. M.  |  Rhinehart, R. R.  |  Madihally, S. V.

Advanced process control (APC) projects are supervisory programs that are often thought of as a layer of control above the base regulatory control for a process.

Optimization: Plan before main air blower disaster strikes

Aggreko: Chauvin, J.  |  Fischbach, A.

Weeks before a planned overhaul of its coker unit, a synthetic crude plant’s main air blower for the furnace failed, throwing the engineers’ plans into disarray.

The importance of engineering and construction alignment throughout the project lifecycle

Fluor: Payami, H.

Construction is where the rubber meets the road. This phase historically is the most challenging time of the project, often characterized by problems with high levels of urgency and difficulty.

Project Management: Efficiently expanding a specialty chemical company

COIM USA: Parmar, A.
ShureLine Construction: Shahani, G.

COIM, a specialty chemical company, decided to expand its production capacity in the U.S. to supplement growing market and economy.

Business Trends: Rethinking the refining and petrochemicals industries

Burns & McDonnell: Price, J.

Crude oil has been the fundamental element of transportation fuel for many decades.

Leveraging modern flow technologies to improve safety in refineries

Emerson: Jha, M.  |  Valentine, J.

The refining industry is facing increased pressures, such as crude oil supply changes, changing product distributions and increasing regulations. These pressure points create a highly competitive market where refiners are looking for options that include digitally transforming operations and adapting new technologies to enhance safety and improve uptime, flexibility and efficiency, while securing their competitive position in a dynamic market. Improving personnel and process safety remains a top focus area for refiners.

Implementation strategy and opportunities with Industry 4.0

Bharat Petroleum Corp. Ltd.: Phukan, P. K.

The term Industry 4.0 refers to the fourth industrial revolution. Widely hailed as a new level of organization and control over the entire value chain of the lifecycle of products, Industry 4.0 is geared toward progressively personalized customer requirements.