Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining


Can nuclear power plant methodologies help improve hydrocarbon processing reliability?—Part 1

Consulting Engineer: Pradhan, S.
Tecnicas Reunidas: Zamora, A. A.

Safety requirements within nuclear power plants (NPPs) have encouraged the development of several rigorous methodologies that, in turn, have stimulated excellence in operability, availability, reliability and maintenance to the extent that numerous guides and standards now regulate that industry.

Selection of cooling water system for gas, petroleum and petrochemical plants located on coastline—Part 2

Namvaran P&T: Safamirzaei, M.

The main options for the cooling water systems of gas, petroleum and petrochemical plants located on coastlines are studied here, and alternatives are compared with the consideration of several technical and economic parameters.

Separate fine solid particles from dusty air with a uniflow cyclone

TATA Consulting Engineers Ltd.: Sakthivel, S.
Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi: Pitchumani, B.

Fine particles are usually collected by dry collectors, wet collectors, electrostatic precipitators and filters, at the commercial level.

Case study for a high-performing refinery loss control program

Emerson Automation Solutions: Valentine, J.
YPF: Videla, R.

Most refineries have some sort of mass balance and loss control program in place for accounting, planning and scheduling, as well as for financial and operational evaluation purposes.

Cloud-based condition monitoring solutions optimize reliability of rotating equipment

India Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative, Phulpur: Mishra, G.
Nanoprecise Sci Corp.: McClatchie, D.  |  Vedula, S.

Hydrocarbon processing (HP) companies are seeking opportunities to improve productivity, optimize equipment availability and increase process uptime.


Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Nichols, Lee

Opening Gulf Energy Information’s 2019 Eastern Mediterranean Gas Conference (EMGC) in Cyprus was the Minister of Energy, Commerce and Industry for the Republic of Cyprus, H. E. Yiorgos Lakkotrypis.

Industry Perspectives: The evolution of the downstream

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Nichols, Lee

In Hydrocarbon Processing’s April issue, the editorial comment focused on advancing ideas in the downstream processing industries.

Power: Temporary power tips for turnarounds and maintenance activities

Aggreko: Smith, B.

Maintenance activities and turnarounds often prove challenging to a facility’s electrical power system.

Executive Viewpoint: A vision for the refinery of 2030

Aspen Technology Inc.: Beck, R.

The refining business needs to change dramatically over the next decade.

Editorial Comment: Sustainability: The latest creation in advancing ideas

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Nichols, Lee

Over the past few months, Hydrocarbon Processing’s editorial staff has traveled thousands of miles to attend numerous conferences, events, users’ groups, groundbreakings, etc.