Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining

Environment & Safety

Business Trends: The downstream dilemma: Past, present and future of downstream energy

Global Strategy Consultant: De Vries, A.
IHS Markit: Mohamed, K. F.

The oil industry’s interest in the downstream segment of the business has known ups and downs. This article reviews the past, present and projected future of the downstream sector and its companies.

Industry Perspectives: The Main Column podcast: Crucial topics shaping the industry

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Nichols, Lee

In the February issue of Hydrocarbon Processing, the editors asked our global readership what topics they would like to hear on the publication’s new podcast series: The Main Column.

IMO 2020 and the importance of nonlinear blending properties calculation

Refinery Automation Institute, LLC: Curcio, E.

With 2020 here, fuel blenders, shipowners, and fuel oil producers and users are concerned about what will happen this year, with the sulfur content in bunker fuel reduced from 3.5 wt% to 0.5 wt%, as per International Maritime Organization 2020 (IMO 2020) rules.

Octane enhancement avoiding both high reformer severity and alkylation

CDE Projects Ltd.: Kauders, P.

An innovative refinery process arrangementa converts butane-rich, light paraffinic streams—preferably containing a high proportion of isobutane—into butylene by dehydrogenation.

Cost-effective naphtha hydrotreating unit revamp to increase high-octane reformate production

Indian Oil Corp. Ltd.: Ramesh, K.  |  Phukan, D.

India, which is the third-largest economy in the world, is home to nearly 18% of the world’s population (nearly 1.4 B).

Safe and sustainable alkylation: Performance and update on composite ionic liquid alkylation technology

Well Resources Inc.: Chung, W.
Beijing Zhongshi Aojie Petroleum Technology Co.: Zhang, R.  |  Zhang, X.
PetroChina Harbin Petrochemical Co.: Song, D.

Market and regulatory factors are pressuring refiners to adopt safe and sustainable processes for the production of clean-burning and environmentally friendly fuels.

Safety: Where foresight replaces hindsight: How AI impacts the future of oil and gas safety

Advisian Digital, part of the Worley Group: Stewart, H.
SaltGrid: Aitken, C.

According to the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP), there were 31 fatal incidents across the industry in 2018.

How to use technology to mitigate job-hopping and retain millennial workers

Parsable: Whittle, L.

Workforce experts and employers often suggest that the millennial generation is responsible for sparking the job-hopping trend.

Engineering Case Histories: Case 109: Catastrophic failures and the human factor

Consulting Engineer: Sofronas, A.

A catastrophic failure is defined (for this article) as a failure where lives have been lost and human causes have been a factor.

Demineralized water system design: Considerations for the petrochemical industry—Part 1

Advisian, a Worley Company: Fan, J.  |  Ananthanarayan, S.  |  Hodgkinson, A.

Site utility leads, engineers and other professionals in the hydrocarbon/chemical processing industries (HPI/CPI) are facing a perfect storm of increasing demineralized water demand, end of life of existing demineralized water plant equipment, changing source water quality, corporate directives to diversify water sources, and pressure from regulators and community stakeholders to minimize the volume of waste generated from water treatment.