Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining

Rotating Equipment

Extend ethylene plant run length with compressor chemical treatment

Nalco Champion: Hancock, J. M.  |  Rodrigues, S.

An aging ethylene plant historically suffered from plant run length limiting compressor fouling that resulted in a loss of polytropic efficiency and intercooler backpressure buildup.

A.W. Chesterton expands Massachusetts training, services hub

A.W. Chesterton Co., a leading industrial equipment fluid sealing specialist, has expanded its facilities north of Boston with a new state-of-the-art valve emissions testing facility, an expansive industrial training center, and an industrial equipment service location to support regional customers.

Engineering Case Histories: Case 90: Precautions when working near equipment

Consulting Engineer: Sofronas, A.

Most machines and pressure vessels are designed with safety in mind, but they can release large amounts of energy if not constructed, maintained or operated correctly.

Design a pressure safety valve at the centrifugal pump discharge

Daelim Industrial Co. Ltd.: Kadam, N.

In most process plants, it is unusual to install a pressure safety valve (PSV) to centrifugal pump and compressor discharge, but some PSVs are needed and are installed to protect the system against miscellaneous scenarios that could create overpressure in the system.

Reliability: Transform ODR-OPPM into a worthwhile initiative

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Bloch, Heinz P.

ODR, which stands for operator-driven reliability, has recently morphed into a new arrangement of letters: OPPM.

Petrobras contracts Elliott on Brazil rotor storage

The contract, which was renewed for three years with an option to extend, covers a minimum of 80 spare turbine and compressor rotors for Petrobras refineries in Brazil.

Reliability: Avoid pump shaft failures

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Bloch, Heinz P.

We welcome and thrive on questions from reliability engineers and try to answer some as best we can.

Elliott to supply compressor for Holly Refining’s upgrade in New Mexico

The H2 recycle unit will be built and tested in Elliott's manufacturing facility in Jeannette, Pennsylvania. Delivery is to the Navajo refinery is scheduled for the third quarter of 2016.

Compare pitot tube pumps with high-speed centrifugal pumps for low-flow applications

Chagalesh Consulting Engineers: Khazrai, F.  |  Eskandarlu, A.

When seeking a pump for a low-flow, high-head application, there is a temptation to choose a high-speed (HS) integral gear-driven centrifugal pump because of its advantages over multi-stage centrifugal and other types of pumps.

Advances in dry gas seal technology for compressors

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Bloch, Heinz P.
AESSEAL plc: Carmody, C.

Compressor owner-operators now have unprecedented and solidly verifiable options.