Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining

Process Control

HP Control: Perspectives on ANSI/ISA 84.00.01-2004 (IEC61511): an emerging international consensus standard

SIS-Tech Solutions, LLC: Summers, A.

The ISA Standards & Practices' Committee Guide states that its ?purpose is to gather and integrate all pertinent technical information . . . in order to develop the best possible consensus standard.? ..

How well do you know your valve?

Consultant: Ginn, P. L.

Improve control through a better understanding of its operation

Cyber security: Are your computer control systems safe from attack?

Primatech, Inc.: Baybutt, P.

Performing a CSVA identifies vulnerabilities and needed security measures

From fieldbus to .NET: an overview of today's network-based automation technologies

Invensys Foxboro Automation Sytems: Piper, C.

Here's how they play together to improve plant and enterprise operations

Fieldbus: An enabling technology for today's competitive environment

Fieldbus Foundation: Timoney, R. J.

Users report substantial operating, capital and maintenance costs savings

HP Control: Benefits of plant testing for multivariable controllers

Department of Chemical Engineering: Hall, J.

The hydrocarbon processing industry uses multivariable controllers extensively as the workhorses to push constraints and maximize returns from process units. One very time-consuming and expensive phas..

Effective alarm management

Real Time Engineering Ltd.: Brown, N.

Follow these guidelines to reduce operator overload and mistakes

Guided-wave radar transmitters measure level under harsh conditions

K-TEK: Fauveau, E.  |  Hambrice, K.

Going beyond through-air technologies, they are suitable for difficult-to-measure liquids and solids

Performance visibility and the road to sustainable profitability

Gail Powley,guest columnist       Comments? Write: LK@HydrocarbonProcessing.com ..

Creating the 'smart plant'

Emerson Process Management: White, D. C.

Before too long, your doorbell may ring and a repairman might say, 'I received a request over the Web from your refrigerator to come and replace the drive belt.' Will process equipment be far behind?