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HP Industry Metrics

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Romanow, Stephany

The total liquid supply growth by non-OPEC countries continues to rise and is estimated to reach 54 million bpd (MMbpd) in 2014. Increasing crude oil supplies from North America are contributing to sh..

IRPC 2014: Defining the course of the global HPI

Gulf Publishing Company: Smith, M.

Leading hydrocarbon processing industry (HPI) executives and technical experts will come together June 24–26 in Verona, Italy, to share ideas, innovation and vision for the global downstream indu..

Innovative catalyst solution mitigates FCC operational issue

BASF Corp.: Ismail, S.  |  Neuman, D.
Marathon Petroleum Company, LP: Sexton, J.  |  Larsen, N.  |  Highfield, J.

Marathon Petroleum Co.’s (MPC’s) Catlettsburg fluid catalytic cracking unit (FCCU) experienced a catalyst circulation constraint due to partial blockage of an intra-regenerator standpipe. Th..

HP News

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Thinnes, Billy

EU-US Energy Council discusses European energy security The EU-US Energy Council met recently in Brussels, Belgium. Following the gathering, the council issued a statement indicating that developments..

New catalyst increases FCC olefin yields

BASF Corp.: Keeley, C.  |  Riva, S.  |  Komvokis, V.
BASF: Miranda, M.

The new catalyst helped enable the refinery to maximize propylene and isobutylene yields, expand total LPG production, maintain LCN yield, improve bottoms upgrading and expand the FCCU operating window.

HP Editorial Comment: What is the future for hydrocarbons and their prices?

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Romanow, Stephany

Have we reached peak oil, again? No; the naysayers have predicted peak oil five times already, and innovative technologies continue to overcome previous barriers and to find new methods of developing ..

HP News

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Thinnes, Billy

 Irving Oil refinery begins $60-million turnaroundA major turnaround is underway at Irving Oil’s refinery in Saint John, Canada. It began in early March and is expected to last until mid-Ap..

Keep liquid analysis invisible in refineries

Rosemount Analytical: Joseph, D.

The hidden heroes of hydrocarbon processing plants are the liquid analyzers, especially the pH and conductivity loops. Unlike their flashier cousins in gas analysis, these analyzers operate behind the..

HP Global: Africa’s drive to a clean fuel regime

Contributing Editor: Oirere, S.

The challenges facing Africa’s drive to a clean fuel regime are captured by a success story in South Africa and a heartbreaking tale in Kenya, with both countries striving to achieve low-sulfur (..

HP Viewpoint: Sound energy policy needed to support 21st century economy

American Petroleum Institute (API): Gerard, J.

The shale energy revolution has overturned every assumption we once held about the US long-term energy outlook. Thanks to technological advances in hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling, we hav..