Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining

Middle East

Improve the operation of fired heaters

S & B Engineers and Constructors Ltd.: Malhotra, K.

Fired heaters or “process furnaces” are used extensively by the refining and petrochemical industries. These heat transfer units generate the much needed process energy through the combustio..

Optimize online monitoring of base oil

SK Innovation Co. Ltd.: Kim, H.
Bartec Benke GmbH: Fannin, G.

Latter-model vehicles and new automotive engine designs now require higher-quality lubrication oils, such as Groups II and III. Demand for Group II/III base oils is increasing. To capitalize on the gr..

Update on the catalytic cracking process and standpipes—Part 1

The fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) process is a well-established technology used by complex refineries. It is a key profit center, as the FCC unit (FCCU) has the flexibility to produce transportation ..

HP Reliability: Consider oil-resistant cable terminations to increase electric motor reliability

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Bloch, Heinz P.

Most engineers are familiar with adhesive-coated insulating tape used by electricians in the field and maintenance shop. If we use this tape in the engine compartment of an automobile, it will soon be..

HP Boxscore Construction Analysis: How low oil prices are affecting new project announcements

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Nichols, Lee

Beginning in July 2014, the world began to witness a widespread fall in crude oil prices. With the decrease in global crude oil prices, what has this meant for new project announcements in the downstream sector?

HP Engineering Case Histories: Case 83: What are useful questions to ask before starting a vibration analysis?

Consulting Engineer: Sofronas, A.

Periodically, this author receives questions from readers throughout the world addressing what performance issues could be wrong with a centrifugal compressor that is vibrating. Note: It is impossible..

HP Global: Latin America’s refinery product demand is decelerating

The trajectory of refined product balances in Latin America and the Caribbean is changing. With demand growth slowing and throughput expected to rise by 2020, the region’s combined deficits for p..

HP Project Management: Energy efficiency: Getting in early pays off exponentially

There are many situations and circumstances when it makes good sense to pursue energy efficiency for industrial processes. But when is the best time for such action?Better operating practicesIn existi..

HP Industry Perspectives: Notables from BP's Energy Outlook 2035

In mid-February, BP released its outlook for the next 20 years. As reminded by BP’s new chief economist, Spencer Dale, the outlook is a projection of what is most likely to occur based on the inf..

HP News

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Rhodes, Mike

Labor union strike affecting US refining industryThere is no end in sight to the United Steelworkers Union (USW) strike affecting several US refineries. The USW has filed unfair labor practices charge..