Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining


Automation Strategies: Expanding scope of automation events and alerts

ARC Advisory Group: Cosman, E. C.

Detecting, reporting and responding to abnormal situations or events are important functional elements of a complete process automation strategy.

Reliability: Technology transfer training is most effective for small groups

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Bloch, Heinz P.

Training can take many different forms.

Conceptual troubleshooting training for refinery operators

Visual Performance Solutions, Inc.: Averill, W.

Throughout the refining industry, the average number of years of experience for console operators is decreasing, as large numbers of very experienced console operators are retiring.

Machinery: Soft skills and habits all machinery professionals must develop—Part 1

Consultant: Perez, R. X.

When I ask people that work around machinery, “How do you improve reliability?” they often tell me to buy better bearings, seals, monitors or some other hardware-based improvement.

Project Management: Bridging the gap in revamp projects—From business need to design basis

Arivergy LLC: Sivasubramanian, G.  |  Fleshman, J.

Revamp projects are notorious for scope creep, cost and schedule overruns.

Upgrade the ALARP model as a holistic approach to project risk and decision management

University of Salerno: Benintendi, R.  |  De Mare, G.

The ALARP (as low as reasonably practicable) model was developed by the UK Health and Safety Executive to establish and justify risk acceptability limits.

Rethinking the risk mitigation process and revitalizing operational safety

DuPont: Planche, S.

For the past 2 yr, oil prices have been in free-fall. At the time of writing, the WTI price is around $50/bbl, up slightly since OPEC’s May 2017 announcement to extend its September 2016 production cut of 2.2%.

Role statements needed for reliability job functions

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Bloch, Heinz P.

Experience shows that written role statements impart great value to industries that have reliability professionals on staff.

Plug the metering skills gap to ensure measurement accuracy and safety

TUV NEL Ltd.: Macgillivray, A.

In all sectors of industry, the measurement of flow is of vital importance. However, in an industry that is cutting costs, what impact will a growing skills gap have on meter management and accuracy of measurement?


Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Rhodes, Mike

Dr. Béla Kelemen has been named President of the European Petroleum Refiners Association for the next 2-yr term.