Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining

Information Systems

Enhance refinery profitability with modeling innovations

Aspen Technology Inc.: Beck, R.  |  Ajikutira, D.  |  Herrmann, L.  |  Ye, V.

Several improvements are on the horizon, which will add powerful optimization capabilities into the process modeler’s simulation work space in areas like heat integration, column optimization and economics.

The future of automation has arrived

Invensys Operations Management: Turk, M. A.  |  Clark, D. C.

As automation moves into asset optimization, it spans all elements of operations and can run your process as a business.

Use 3D visualization to improve refinery engineering and design

AVEVA Solutions Ltd.: Bennett, S.

One of the most significant outcomes of rapidly increasing computing power has been in three-dimensional (3D) visualization; oil discovery makes extensive use of it, for example. To a professional r..

HP Reliability: Expect adversity, but plan for success

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Bloch, Heinz P.

Consider that a major oil refinery was planning a substantial modernization project in 2008. Energy efficiency gains and the ability to process a more readily available crude slate were key motivating..

HP Integration Strategies: Virtualization goes mainstream

ARC Advisory Group: Reynolds, P.

Virtualization, a computing approach that decouples hardware and software, is rapidly gaining traction in the traditionally conservative automation and control industry. With its roots in the informat..

HP Impact: US targets Iran’s petrochemical industry

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Thinnes, Billy

The US Treasury Department, acting in concert with the US Department of State, recently took action to target Iran’s petrochemical industry (Fig. 2). As Iran’s oil revenues continue to fall ..

Can process automation increase energy efficiency?

Energy efficiency doesn’t imply producing less to reduce energy consumptions, but rather improving plant productivity and effectiveness, allowing plants to produce the same amount of product with fewer resources.

HP Automation Safety: Maintenance capability: Does it matter in the long term?

exida LLC: Goble, W.

I remember working in a test department, where a particular technician, known as Mike, seemed to destroy a significant percentage of the equipment he worked on. Since he reported to me, I tried extra ..

HP Innovations

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Blume, Adrienne

Corrosion coating adds to petrochemical safetyPetrochemical plants are expected to remain safely and efficiently operational for decades, with little downtime and unplanned maintenance. To protect equ..

Seal safety may require going beyond typical standards

AESSEAL plc: Shaw, S.

Top industry professionals believe users must reach beyond typical standards in applying safer mechanical seals when hazardous and toxic chemicals are involved.