Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining


Release of strategic oil reserves: New form of economic stimulus

On June 23 International Energy Agency (IEA) members announced the release of 60 million barrels of strategic oil reserves over a month—the equivalent of 2 million barrels per day (bpd) for 30 days. Half of this amount—30 million barrels—will come from the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR), which currently holds 726.5 million barrels of crude. The release of 60 million barrels over 30 days will temporarily increase world oil supply by about 2.3 percent.

US gasoline demand falling amid high costs - API

US gasoline deliveries in May were down from May a year ago and down year-to-date from 2010, though slightly higher than April, according to data released by the American Petroleum Institute (API).

KBR, Shell to align on hydroprocessing technology

KBR and Shell have formed a new alliance in which KBR will market, sell and provide technology and design packages with Shell for hydroprocessing solutions worldwide.

IEA sees increasing natgas use, warns of high oil prices curbing demand

Annual growth in oil demand could average 1.2 million barrels per day (mb/d) between now and 2016, while natural gas demand could grow by around 500 billion cubic meters – around 2.5 times Russia’s current gas exports – during the same time, according to the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) medium-term oil and gas market outlook.

Lubrizol shareholders approve sale to Berkshire

At a special meeting on Thursday, shareholders of specialty chemicals firm Lubrizol overwhelmingly approved the acquisition of the company by Berkshire Hathaway for $135/share in an all-cash transaction.

BP unveils annual energy review, sees China passing US as top consumer

China became the world’s largest energy consumer in 2010, overtaking the US during a year which saw the global economic recovery drive consumption higher and at a rate not seen since the aftermath of the 1973 oil price shocks, BP said in its annual global energy review.

Rethink planning and scheduling’s role in refinery optimization

M3 Technology: Acuff, C.
Valero Energy Corp.: Swensen, M.

New tools improve prediction of unit feed qualities and yields

Honeywell to begin work on new transportation fuels refinery in Iraq

UOP LLC, a Honeywell company, said Wednesday that its technology has been selected for a new transportation fuel refinery to be built in Iraq, with design to begin in the second quarter of 2011.

Honeywell 'green' jet fuel used in US Air Force aircraft demonstration

Honeywell’s Green Jet Fuel powered two Air Force F-16 aircraft as part of a Thunderbirds demonstration at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland over the weekend.

US petroleum demand rises in April as distillate gains offset lower gasoline use - API

A strong increase in distillate fuel demand this April over a year ago drove an overall rise in petroleum product demand, offsetting a decline in gasoline demand, the American Petroleum Institute (API) trade group said on Friday.