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Gas to liquids (GTL)

HP Boxscore Construction Analysis: Qatar’s petrochemical sector surges through new projects

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Nichols, Lee

Rising gas production is propelling Qatar to be a global leader in LNG exports and GTL technology, and it will play a key role in the future growth of Qatar’s downstream sector.

Sage Midstream to build propane, butane export terminal in Washington

The company will construct a unit-train-accessible rail unloading facility, storage tanks, and ship loading area with the capability to load marine vessels with up to a capacity of 550,000 bbl.

HP Global: Shale revolution will help US chemical industry soar to new heights

American Chemistry Council: Swift, T. K.

Global manufacturing entered a soft period in 2012, with particular weakness in Europe and East Asia. The manufacturing sector represents the primary customer base for chemistry. The global industrial..

New GTL venture to develop global GTL plants via landfill gas, biogas

All four members will work exclusively through the JV to pursue the intended application (GTL using renewable gas, optionally in conjunction with natural gas) in the US, Canada, United Kingdom and China.

CompactGTL to build Kazakhstan commercial plant

In furtherance of the agreement with the Kazakhstan government, CompactGTL intends to build the world’s first commercially deployed small-scale gas-to-liquids (GTL) plant in Kazakhstan.

HP Gas Processing: US midstream expansion hits Utica shale

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Blume, Adrienne

Significant expansion is planned for the midstream oil and gas sectors in 2014, following a 263% increase in midstream capital spending to $46.4 billion (B) in 2013, according to Deloitte.1 A five-yea..

HP Boxscore Construction Analysis: 2014 global construction outlook—Part 1

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Nichols, Lee

According to Hydrocarbon Processing’s HPI Market Data 2014, total capital spending in the hydrocarbon processing industry (HPI) is estimated to exceed $77 billion (B). This amount includes invest..

HP Viewpoint: Sound energy policy needed to support 21st century economy

American Petroleum Institute (API): Gerard, J.

The shale energy revolution has overturned every assumption we once held about the US long-term energy outlook. Thanks to technological advances in hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling, we hav..

HP Industry Perspectives: The best modern-day inventions according to chemical engineers

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Romanow, Stephany

The best inventions are often influenced by an individual’s background, job, education and so forth. So what are the top 10 inventions according to chemical engineers? The Institution of Chemical..

Phillips 66 approves key Texas NGL projects

HP Editorial Staff: HP News

The Phillips 66 board has authorized over $3 billion in spending for the Sweeny Fractionator One project and the Freeport liquefied petroleum has (LPG) export terminal.