Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining


Editorial Comment

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Nichols, Lee

Over the past several decades, the hydrocarbon processing industry has invested heavily in new processing units to produce low-sulfur and ultra-low-sulfur (ULS) transportation fuels.

Global Project Data

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Nichols, Lee

According to Gulf Energy Information’s Global Energy Infrastructure database, new capital project investments have increased each month since November 2020.

TOTAL refineries improve overhead systems corrosion and salting with amine-neutralizing technology

SUEZ Water Technologies & Solutions: Pothuaud, A.  |  Cross, C.

Weak organic amines are commonly used in crude unit overhead systems to prevent acidic corrosion from chlorides and other acidic contaminants via a neutralization reaction.

Global Project Data

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Nichols, Lee

After a tumultuous year, many active capital projects have been deferred, delayed or even abandoned.

Regional Focus: Russia looks to double petrochemicals and LPG exports by 2025

Contributing Writer: Gerden, E.

Russia hopes to become one of the world’s largest producers and exporters of petrochemicals and LPG by 2025 by doubling its domestic output and exports.

Successes and challenges installing the first proprietary closed-coke slurry system

LOTOS Asfalt: Kaminski, M.
Chevron Lummus Global: Manral, V.  |  Heeswijk, B. V.
TRIPLAN GmbH: Graeter, F.  |  Knuedel, S.

The authors’ company<sup>a</sup> licensed a two-drum delayed coking technology process unit to Grupa LOTOS in Gdansk, Poland.

Troubleshoot flooding problems in a crude distillation column

Tüpraş: Öztürk, G.  |  Kibar, S.  |  Akyildiz, G.

Crude oil is separated into more valuable products, such as naphtha, kerosene, light diesel, heavy diesel and atmospheric residue, in crude distillation units (CDUs).

Global Project Data

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Nichols, Lee

<i>Hydrocarbon Processing’s</i> Construction Boxscore Database is tracking nearly 1,400 projects around the world.


Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Nichols, Lee

TechnipFMC has begun construction on Assiut National Oil Processing Co.’s new hydrocracking complex in Egypt.

Hydrocarbons face toughest challenge yet

DNV GL Oil and Gas: Ketelaars, F.

Over the next 30 yr, the globe’s energy ecosystem—where fossil fuels dominate and renewables play catch-up—will evolve exponentially, as efforts intensify to curb carbon emissions and mitigate the detrimental impact of climate change.