Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining


HP Reliability: Consider oil-resistant cable terminations to increase electric motor reliability

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Bloch, Heinz P.

Most engineers are familiar with adhesive-coated insulating tape used by electricians in the field and maintenance shop. If we use this tape in the engine compartment of an automobile, it will soon be..

HP Industry Perspectives: Notables from BP's Energy Outlook 2035

In mid-February, BP released its outlook for the next 20 years. As reminded by BP’s new chief economist, Spencer Dale, the outlook is a projection of what is most likely to occur based on the inf..

Hydrogen perspectives for 21st century refineries—Part 2

Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.: Patel, N.  |  Farnand, S.  |  Li, J.  |  Peng, X. D.
Technip Stone & Webster Process Technology: Ratan, S.

H2 is the lifeblood of 21st century refineries. The application of various technological advancements and core developments has been raising the bar in the design, build, operations and maintenance of H2 facilities.

HP Editorial Comment: Take a moment and breathe

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Romanow, Stephany

“Don’t panic” is probably the best advice for the downstream industry regarding oil prices. The upstream fully recognizes the present and short-term conditions for its business.

HP Global: 2015 outlook for oil price and its refining sector implications

Wood Mackenzie: Gelder, A.

What is the oil price outlook for the next 12 months? As of early January, the price of Brent has effectively halved compared to the 2014 summer peak, similar to the price collapse of 2008. However, u..

HP Viewpoint: Going our way?—How the US will benefit from natural gas and fuel cell technology

Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association: Markowitz, M. B.

A remarkable convergence is taking place in North America, as rising natural gas production meets the growing market for both stationary fuel cells providing power to businesses and the utility grid, ..

HP Industry Perspectives: RFS—An endless loop

Renewable fuels remain a huge burden for the global refining industry. Today’s transportation fuels, when used with later-model vehicles, have dramatically reduced tailpipe emissions. With much p..

Shale gas drives new opportunities for US downstream

Technip Stone & Webster Process Technology: Maller, A.  |  Dharia, D.  |  Gbordzoe, E.
Axens: Lambert, N.

This shift to lighter feeds for the SC will reduce the future availability of other petrochemical feedstocks—in particular, propylene.

Improve execution of capital projects with advanced technologies

Bechtel Corp.: Avidan, A. A.

The E&C industry is now poised for a major leap forward in utilizing advancements in information technologies and, thus, enabling itself to greatly boost project performance.

Replan: Modernizing Brazil’s largest crude oil refinery

Petrobras: Perissé, J. B.

The project included installing two hydrodesulfurization (HDS) units for the cracked naphtha produced by two catalytic cracking units, a coker naphtha hydrotreating (HDT) unit, and a catalytic reforming unit.