Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining

Environment & Safety

Refining: Uncertainty grips South Africa’s Clean Fuels Program

Contributing Editor: Oirere, S.

The planned upgrading of oil refineries in South Africa to produce Euro 5-specified fuels will likely take longer than initially anticipated.

Viewpoint: Operational excellence—The path to world-class performance

Petrotechnics: Murray, P.

Why is operational excellence (OE) increasingly being recognized as the path to world-class performance?

Through the looking glass: How US EPA regulations are changing the way we visualize methane leaks

Opgal: Yanai, O.

In mid-2016, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published Regulation 40 CFR, Part 60, Sub-part OOOOa, commonly known as QuadOa. This regulation has propelled optical gas imaging (OGI) firmly into the mainstream, and presents a major shift in the way fugitive emissions are regulated and the technologies that can be used.

Process safety incidents, cognitive biases and critical thinking

Primatech, Inc.: Baybutt, P.

Process hazard analysis (PHA) is performed to identify possible hazard scenarios that may occur in a process.

Calculate gasoline RVP seasonal change giveaway economics

Refinery Automation Institute, LLC: Barsamian, A.  |  Curcio, E.

Despite high demand and depressed refining margins, the US is in the midst of a glut of gasoline. This predicament is causing a rush to convert summer gasoline into cheaper winter gasoline, in the hope that using cheap butane and higher Reid vapor pressure (RVP) specs will increase refining profits.

Environmental groups sue Trump administration for approving Keystone pipeline

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- Several environmental groups filed lawsuits against the Trump administration on Thursday to challenge its decision to approve construction of TransCanada Corp's controversial Keystone XL crude oil pipeline.

Crude spill hits Jose oil terminal in Venezuela

HOUSTON/CARACAS (Reuters) -- Operations at Venezuela's main oil-exporting port Jose were hit by a crude oil spill on Tuesday, union sources and shipping agents told Reuters.

AFPM Annual '17: Daily editions of the official conference newspaper

SAN ANTONIO -- Enclosed are digital copies of all three daily editions of the official conference newspaper of the AFPM 2017 Annual Meeting, held at the Marriott Rivercenter.

Trump's proposal to scrap chemical safety board draws criticism

(Reuters) -- President Donald Trump's proposal to do away with the federal agency that investigates chemical accidents drew sharp criticism from environmental, labor and safety advocates, who said that eliminating the watchdog would put American lives at risk.

A reusable sponge could ‘revolutionize’ oil spill, diesel cleanup

CHICAGO -- Scientists at the US Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory have invented a new foam, called Oleo Sponge, that can be used to clean up oil and diesel spills in water. The material not only quickly adsorbs oil from water, but also is reusable and can pull dispersed oil from the entire water column—not just the surface.