Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining


Belarus' Lukashenko says Minsk ready to increase fuel shipments to Russia

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko told Russian President Vladimir Putin that Belarus has recently supplied 60,000 tons of diesel and 60,000 tons of petrol to Russia and is ready to further increase shipments.

Indian minister walks back plans for higher taxes on diesel vehicles

India is not planning to levy any new tax on diesel vehicles two days after he warned automakers to reduce diesel production or face higher taxation.

Singapore middle distillates stocks near 6-month high despite exports

Singapore's middle distillates inventories hit a near six-month high, official data showed, as jet fuel/kerosene net exports were little changed despite rising gasoil net exports week-on-week.

Volkswagen fight against Italian dieselgate fine to be decided by Italian court

Volkswagen's attempt to avoid being penalized twice for the same offence in the dieselgate scandal will depend on whether the wrongdoing is identical or just similar.

OPEC says IEA estimate of peak fossil fuel demand by 2030 not 'fact-based'

The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries said data-based forecasts do not support the International Energy Agency's projection that demand for fossil fuels would peak in 2030.

Cargill to boost biodiesel production through acquisition of Granol's soy crushers in Brazil

The U.S. company last month announced a binding offer to buy the soy crushing plants as it looks to boost biodiesel production and expand operations in the world's biggest soy producer.

Global diesel shortage boosts prices

Global distillate fuel oil inventories remain much lower than normal for the time of year which is putting strong upward pressure on fuel prices.

Putin says government did not act in time on high fuel prices

Russian President Vladimir Putin said in comments about high domestic fuel prices that the government had failed to react in time to the rising price of oil on global markets.

Gazprom says Astrakhan plant resumes diesel output

Russia's Gazprom said that its Astrakhan gas processing plant had resumed diesel output after maintenance works, Interfax reported.

'Say bye to diesel': India warns automakers of higher taxes in pollution fight

India's road transport minister on Tuesday said he will propose an additional 10% tax on diesel vehicles and warned automakers of even higher levies to come to force them away from diesel-burners and cut fuel emissions and pollution.