Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining


Keep liquid analysis invisible in refineries

Rosemount Analytical: Joseph, D.

The hidden heroes of hydrocarbon processing plants are the liquid analyzers, especially the pH and conductivity loops. Unlike their flashier cousins in gas analysis, these analyzers operate behind the..

Convert heavy oil residue into synthetic fuel

Expander Energy: Kresnyak, S.  |  Price, S.  |  Wagner, J.

Over the past several decades, oil extractors and refiners have been maximizing the production of easy-to-drill, high-quality light sweet oil, mostly concentrated on the Arabian Peninsula. With “..

HP Global: Africa’s drive to a clean fuel regime

Contributing Editor: Oirere, S.

The challenges facing Africa’s drive to a clean fuel regime are captured by a success story in South Africa and a heartbreaking tale in Kenya, with both countries striving to achieve low-sulfur (..

HP Viewpoint: Sound energy policy needed to support 21st century economy

American Petroleum Institute (API): Gerard, J.

The shale energy revolution has overturned every assumption we once held about the US long-term energy outlook. Thanks to technological advances in hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling, we hav..

HP Industry Perspectives: The best modern-day inventions according to chemical engineers

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Romanow, Stephany

The best inventions are often influenced by an individual’s background, job, education and so forth. So what are the top 10 inventions according to chemical engineers? The Institution of Chemical..

HP News

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Thinnes, Billy

Country spotlight: KazakhstanAccording to data from the Kazakhstan Ministry of Oil and Gas, the country’s three oil refineries processed nearly 14.3 million tons (MMt) of crude in 2013. The 2013 ..

Catalyst demand to increase over the next five years

HP Editorial Staff: The Freedonia Group, Inc.

The global demand for petroleum refining, chemical synthesis and polymerization catalysts will rise 5.8 %/yr to $19.5 billion in 2016, as listed in Table 1. The growth is directly related to increasin..

Catalyst news

Catalyst development—both fundamental and applied scienceHaldor Topsøe’s HyBRIM catalyst technology is an improved production technique for both CoMo and NiMo hydrotreating catalysts. C..

China’s Sinopec seeks investors for $20 billion in oil retail unit sales

Sinopec’s move is its first step to meet a government promise to encourage more private investment in state-owned industries, as part of China’s biggest package of reforms since the 1990s.

REG opens new US business for heating oil, diesel

REG Energy Services will sell heating oil and ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD) at seven terminals throughout the northeastern US, as well as BioHeat blended heating fuel at an existing REG terminal.