Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining


Matrix Service Company awarded construction contract for Monroe Energy refinery

KBR, Inc. awarded Matrix North American Construction a project for construction services in connection with KBR's Tier 3 Ultra-Low-Sulfur Gasoline Relocation Project at Monroe Energy's Refinery in Trainer, Pa.

Improve refinery profitability by processing low-value streams in a diesel hydrotreater

Corporate Research and Development Center, Hindustan Petroleum Corp. Ltd.: Dhar, P. K.  |  Rao, G. S.  |  Bennet, C.  |  Rao, P. V. C.  |  Choudary, N. V.  |  Valavarasu, G.
Visakhapatnam refinery, Hindustan Petroleum Corp. Ltd.: Madhav, G. V.  |  Naidu, A. T.  |  SriGanesh, G.

Global demand for middle distillates, especially diesel, is increasing.

Varied solutions to the challenges of sulfur management

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Rhodes, Mike

As governments impose progressively stringent limits on the sulfur content of fuels, the refining industry and the hydrocarbon processing industry (HPI) are increasing their focus on sulfur removal to maximize profits from sulfur-rich oil and gas resources.

HP Viewpoint: Methanol takes on LNG for future marine fuels

Methanol Institute: Dolan, G. A.

As the lifecycle economics of using MeOH compared with other emission compliance options become more evident, we will see the tide rising on the use of MeOH as a marine engine fuel.

Shale oil characterization optimizes refining process

KBC Advanced Technologies, Inc.: Sayles, S.

The abundance of shale oils is an unexpected gift for US refiners. These new crude oils have different characteristics from conventional oils that will affect refining processes and the operation of p..

2015 Catalyst developments: Innovation and value creation

Hydrocarbon Processing invited major catalyst companies and industry consultants to share their insights regarding innovations and trends for new catalytic technologies.Challenges to be solved“As..

Case history: Innovative resid-cracking catalyst debottlenecks FCC unit

Tamoil S.A.: Jollien, Y.-A.
BASF Corp.: Keeley, C.  |  Mayol, J.  |  Riva, S.  |  Komvokis, V.

Tamoil is a major operator in the oil and energy industry with operating refineries in Hamburg, Germany, and Collombey, Switzerland, in addition to distribution networks in Italy, Germany, Switzerland..

FCC 101: How to estimate product yields cost-effectively and improve operations

Grace Catalysts Technologies: Navarro, U.  |  Ni, M.  |  Orlicki, D.

The feed to fluid catalytic cracking unit (FCCU) is the most important process variable. FCCU feed has the greatest impact on operating conditions, yield and product quality. A typical FCCU feed consi..

HP Global: 2015 outlook for oil price and its refining sector implications

Wood Mackenzie: Gelder, A.

What is the oil price outlook for the next 12 months? As of early January, the price of Brent has effectively halved compared to the 2014 summer peak, similar to the price collapse of 2008. However, u..

HP Innovations

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Blume, Adrienne

AVEVA NET software is cloud readyAVEVA has implemented a number of improvements to AVEVA NET, its information management software (Fig. 1). Customer feedback has shown that these improvements enhance ..