Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining

Crude oil

ExxonMobil progresses growth plans and efforts to advance lower-emissions technologies

In its downstream and chemical businesses, ExxonMobil is on track to more than double earnings potential from 2017 adjusted results by 2025.

Occidental to sell parts of Anadarko after debt-fueled acquisition

Occidental Petroleum snatched up some of the richest shale oilfields in Texas when it beat out rival Chevron Corp in a bidding war to acquire Anadarko Petroleum.

Petrobras targets private refineries with oil from storage

Brazilian state oil company Petroleo Brasileiro SA is shipping crude during June and July for storage in China to more quickly respond to demand from the country’s independent refiners

China April crude oil imports hit monthly record, refiners stocked up ahead of sanctions

China’s crude oil imports in April unexpectedly surged to a record despite refinery maintenance outages and tepid domestic fuel demand.

Equipment reliability: Critical to protecting margins in a volatile environment

ExxonMobil: Donlon, A.

For any hydrocarbon processor, margin is king.

Industry Metrics

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Rhodes, Mike

A combination of planned and unplanned refinery outages affected US gasoline production, resulting in considerable declines in inventory levels.

Executive Viewpoint: A vision for the refinery of 2030

Aspen Technology Inc.: Beck, R.

The refining business needs to change dramatically over the next decade.

Asia: Japanese refining moves towards consolidation and increased efficiency

Contributing Writer: Gerden, E.

According to recent statements of leading Japanese analysts in the field of refining and the country’s largest producers, the Japanese refining industry is moving towards consolidation and an increase in efficiency.

Business Trends: How plastics waste recycling could transform the chemical industry

McKinsey & Co.: Hundertmark, T.  |  Mayer, M.  |  McNally, C.  |  Simons, T. J.  |  Witte, C.

If plastics demand follows its current trajectory, global plastics-waste volumes would grow from 260 MMtpy in 2016 to 460 MMtpy by 2030, taking what is already a serious environmental problem to a new level.

Industry Metrics

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Rhodes, Mike

In the US, soaring gasoline stocks and poor fuel oil performance were offset by strong heating oil demand and higher product prices caused by weather-related refinery outages.