Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining


HP Flashback: Operations expand and technologies advance during global conflict: Excerpts from the 1940s

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Nichols, Lee

This articles details several case studies on the use of x-ray technology for inspection purposes. This includes for the inspection of casings, forgings and welded structures, among others.

HP Flashback: Operations, processes and safety evolve and advance: Excerpts from the 1930s

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Nichols, Lee

The following is a mixture of technical articles, columns and headlines published in the 1930s by <i>The Refiner and Natural Gasoline Manufacturer</i>, the forerunner to <i>Hydrocarbon Processing</i>.

History of the HPI: The 1930s: Catalytic cracking, polyethylene, synthetic fibers, resins and jet engines

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Nichols, Lee

The hydrocarbon processing industry (HPI) has a rich history of discovery, challenges, breakthroughs, trial and error, collaboration and success. <i>Hydrocarbon Processing</i> continues its reflection on the history of the HPI.

Engineering Case Histories: Case 115: A method for analyzing catastrophic type failures

Consulting Engineer: Sofronas, A.

A portion of my consulting career involved investigating catastrophic type failures on machines, pressure vessels and structures in the industry.

Reliability: Resourcefulness solves problems

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Bloch, Heinz P.

In the now almost 32 yr since this monthly column was first published, we have had more than a few occasions to highlight the pitfalls of trial-and-error solutions in plants that process toxic, flammable or explosive materials.

Executive Viewpoint: Decarbonizing ethylene production

Technip Energies: Knez, S.

<i>Hydrocarbon Processing (HP)</i> sat down with Stan Knez (SK), Chief Technology Officer, Technip Energies, to get his insights on decarbonization, digital and process technologies and sustainability within the processing industries.

Hydrocarbon Processing 2021 Awards FINALISTS

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Nichols, Lee

<i>Hydrocarbon Processing</I>, the downstream processing sector’s leading technical publication for nearly 100 yr, has announced the finalists for its fifth annual <i>HP</i> Awards, which celebrate innovative technologies and people that have been instrumental in improving facility operations over the past year.

Reliability: ARC spring dampers eliminate compressor instability

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Bloch, Heinz P.

A recent book<sup>1</sup> describes novel approaches in applied process gas compressor technology.

Reliability: Exploring better compressor sour seal oil traps

Professional engineer: Bloch, H. P.

An interesting case involving sour seal oil traps in an offshore application recently came to our attention.

Restaging/rerating of centrifugal compressors: Fundamentals, practices and challenges

The primary requirement for rerating or revamping an existing centrifugal compressor is to match the new operating requirements, such as increased or decreased flow, increased or decreased head, or a combination of both. Rerating or revamping is necessary where the existing compressor or compressor train is incapable of meeting the new operating requirement efficiently.