Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining


Which margin levers impact Group I and Group II base stock competitiveness?—Part 2

Kline and Co., Inc.: Moncrieff, I.

This is the second in a two-part series assessing the struggle taking place between Group I and Group II/III for market control and price formation in the global base stocks industry. Part I provided ..

HP Global: The reshaping of Latin America’s petrochemical industry

IHS Markit: Quijada, R.

Latin American economies continue to grow. Fig. 1 shows the gross domestic product (GDP) growth rates from 2010 through 2018 for this region. Brazil accounts for 35% of the total GDP growth. For the p..

HP Boxscore Construction Analysis: US methanol—the resurgence of an industry

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Nichols, Lee

The latest resurgence of the US petrochemical industry is reflected in the planned construction of new ethylene and methanol (MeOH) capacities throughout the country.

IRPC 2014: Defining the course of the global HPI

Gulf Publishing Company: Smith, M.

Leading hydrocarbon processing industry (HPI) executives and technical experts will come together June 24–26 in Verona, Italy, to share ideas, innovation and vision for the global downstream indu..

HP Industry Perspectives: Reflections from a petrochemical giant

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Romanow, Stephany

Frank Popoff, retired chairman and CEO of the Dow Chemical Co., shared his insight on the petrochemical industry at the AFPM’s 2014 International Petrochemical Conference (IPC). With a career spa..

Case history: Optimization of aromatics complex

Neste Jacobs Oy: Bergman, S.  |  Yli-Opas, K.  |  Karlsson, S.  |  Frejborg, A.
Borealis Polumers Oy: Vettenranta, J.
Borealis Polymers Oy: Rönkä, M.

Borealis Polymers executed an online optimization project at its phenol and aromatics plants in Porvoo. The plantwide application increased the output rate by 9% and greatly improved the stability of operations.

HP Editorial Comment: What is the future for hydrocarbons and their prices?

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Romanow, Stephany

Have we reached peak oil, again? No; the naysayers have predicted peak oil five times already, and innovative technologies continue to overcome previous barriers and to find new methods of developing ..

HP Global: Shale revolution will help US chemical industry soar to new heights

American Chemistry Council: Swift, T. K.

Global manufacturing entered a soft period in 2012, with particular weakness in Europe and East Asia. The manufacturing sector represents the primary customer base for chemistry. The global industrial..

HP Petrochemicals: Coal re-emerges as a primary petrochemical feedstock

Nexant Consulting: Velson, J.

Coal-to-chemicals routes are now an important and viable option for producers in China and beyond. Those that look upon them as atavistic dinosaurs do so at their peril.

HP Viewpoint: Ethylene production growth drives new global industry standards

Technip: Laugier, J. P.

Operators that understand global market drivers and the latest technologies will provide the best solutions to improve their profitability and comply with the latest HSE rules.