Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining


How to justify root-cause failure analysis for pumps

Flint Hills Resources, L.P.: Perez, R. X.

New method uses annualized risk to determine RCFA analysis levels

Spiral heat exchanger in desalter service solves fouling issues

Alfa Laval: Wajciechowski, C.

Technology offers problem-free operation along with considerable maintenance savings

Optimize reordering of critical raw materials and parts

University of Mondragon: Goti, A.  |  Zabaleta, N.
Polytechnic University of Madrid: Garcia, A.  |  Ortega-Mier, M.
Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava: Uradnicek, J.

New models evaluate the ‘total’ costs in receiving and storing materials for a refinery

Case 62: Useful shaft stress equations to remember

Consulting Engineer: Sofronas, A.

Committing several equations to memory can be useful

Is your antifoam compatible with the amine system?

Sarkhoon & Qeshm Gas Treating Company: Atash Jameh, A.
Consultant: Mokhatab, S.
Sarkhoon and Qeshm Gas Treating Company: Gharaghoosh, A. Z.  |  Shazadeh, A. G.

Several options help minimize operation costs and mitigate unscheduled shutdowns

Update on designing for high-fouling liquids

Fluor Corp.: Nesta, J.
Heat Transfer Research, Inc.: Coutinho, C. A.

A critical analysis of shell and tube exchanger systems looks at ‘clean and dirty’ service performance

Review unit-wide impacts on closed-drain drums

Consultant: Mukhopadhyay, R.

API 521 standard helps decipher the correct operating pressure for this system

Design an efficient exchanger network

KBS Co: Rikhtehgar, F.

Advanced heat integration and pinch technology reduces energy consumption

HP Reliability: Consider ‘water washing’ for steam turbines

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Bloch, Heinz P.
Elliott Group: Dowson, P.

Occasions may arise when deposits form on the internal parts of steam turbines. The accumulation of these deposits may be indicated by a gradual increase in stage pressures over time with no evidence ..

HP Water Management: Legionella — to test or not to test?

MarTech Systems, Inc.: Huchler, L. A.

Legionella pneumophila (“legionella”) bacteria cause Legionellosis, a pneumonia-like illness that infects persons with compromised immune systems and can be fatal. These bacteria are common ..