Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining


Tyco buys specialty firm Chemguard for $130mn

Tyco International completed its $130 million acquisition of Chemguard, a leading provider of fire suppression products and specialty chemicals. Founded in 1984 and based in Mansfield, Texas, Chemguard's fire suppression portfolio includes an extensive line of foam concentrates, firefighting hardware and engineered foam systems for a broad range of industrial applications.

Halliburton files Gulf oil spill lawsuit against BP

Halliburton on Thursday filed claims against BP in Texas state court for negligent misrepresentation, business disparagement and defamation related to the Deepwater Horizon incident on April 20, 2010.

US Gulf producers shut in nearly half of oil capacity amid Tropical Storm Lee

Oil and gas operators around the Gulf of Mexico have begun evacuating platforms and rigs due to Tropical Storm Lee, with nearly 48% of oil capacity and 33% of natural gas production shut in. Lee intensified to become a tropical storm on Friday, according to the US National Hurricane Center (NHC), packing winds of 40 miles/hour.

Consider new processes for clean gasoline and olefins production

Stone & Webster Inc., A Shaw Goup Co.: Dharia, D.
SINOPEC Research Institute of Petroleum Processing (RIPP): Long, J.  |  Xu, Y.  |  Zhang, J.
Shaw Energy & Chemicals Group: Batachari, A.  |  Yuan, E.  |  Gim, S.  |  Xu, S.

Advanced technologies promote propylene yield while reducing olefins in gasoline

Maximize propylene from your FCC unit

UOP LLC, a Honeywell Co.: Knight, J.  |  Mehlberg, R.

Innovative use of catalyst and operating conditions increases on-purpose olefin production

Refining outlook: Capacity expansion and rationalization

Muse, Stancil & Co.: Ruwe, P.

Many factors are reshaping the global refined products industry, leading to inevitable change

Achieve success in gasoline hydrotreating

Alon USA: Sanghavi, K.
Axens North America: Schmidt, J.

Case history describes how to achieve superior performance during FCC gasoline hydrotreating

Understand differences between thermal and hydrocracking

KBC Advanced Technologies, Inc.: Sayles, S.  |  Romero, S.

Successful operation and product yields are controlled by reactions at the molecular level

Alternative transport fuels: An Indian perspective

Department of Chemical Engineering: Jain, A.
CSIR-Indian Institute of Petroleum: Singal, S. K.  |  Kamei, W.  |  Garg, M. O.

Many factors influence the possibility of new fuels replacing gasoline and diesel

New era in refining — Keys to sustenance

Changes in feedstocks, environmental rules can alter past and future process investments, profitability