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HP Forecast: HPI Market Data 2014 Executive Summary

Hydrocarbon Processing Staff: Romanow, Stephany  |  DuBose, Ben  |  Blume, Adrienne

This summary provides a "sneak peek" at Hydrocarbon Processing's HPI Market Data 2014. This comprehensive report investigates present and projected future trends in refining, natural gas and petrochemical industries. Topics include spending forecasts and construction projects derived from HP's Construction Boxscore database; global and regional changes in energy production and use; and developments in oil and natural gas processing. HPI Market Data 2014 also covers trends in economics, plant safety and the environment. This annual report is the hydrocarbon processing industry's premier source of market information for professionals working in the downstream.

German chemical sector targets US for investment

German companies invested €3.2bn in new chemical plants or expansions in the US a year ago, up 54% from the prior year. The US now accounts for 41% of foreign investments, up from 28% in 2005.

Sasol awards FEED to Technip on Louisiana GTL

HP Editorial Staff: HP News

Sasol has chosen Technip as the main contractor for the front-end engineering and design (FEED) phase of its proposed gas-to-liquids (GTL) plant near Westlake, Louisiana.

API economist touts low US energy costs, calls for reduced regulations

API chief economist John Felmy told reporters during a Friday press conference that while US energy costs are down, more can be done from the nation, policy-wise, to help its domestic consumers.

OCI plans to build largest US methanol plant

HP Editorial Staff: HP News

With a daily capacity of 5,000 tons, the Beaumont plant will be the first methanol facility of this scale in the US and will be the country’s largest based on its nameplate capacity.

API seeks speedy US approval on LNG exports

“LNG exports will significantly reduce our trade deficit, grow the economy, and support thousands of US jobs," said Erik Milito, upstream and industry operations director for the API. "The DOE has every reason to quickly approve these applications, and we’re pleased that they seem to be moving ahead."

Chevron Phillips enlists Yokogawa to automate new Texas cracker, PE plants

As the main automation contractor, Yokogawa will supply the control systems, safety systems, remote instrument enclosures, and the analyzer shelters and analytical systems. The control system platform will be based on Yokogawa’s CENTUM® VP integrated production control system.

Enterprise starts up new NGL fractionator in Texas

The new unit, which has the capability to fractionate up to 85,000 bpd of NGL, increases total NGL fractionation capacity at Enterprise’s Mont Belvieu facility in Texas to approximately 655,000 bpd.

Ferus, ENN to build LNG plants in Western Canada for transportation fuels

Owned by Ferus Natural Gas Fuels and ENN Canada Corp., the plants will be strategically located in Vancouver, British Columbia, and Edmonton, Alberta, to service the on-road trucking market as well as other high-horsepower applications including marine, rail, mining, and oil and gas exploration.

CSX, GE Transportation partner to pilot LNG trains

CSX Corp.and GE's transportation business have agreed to explore emissions-cutting and efficiency breakthroughs in LNG technology for locomotives beginning with a pilot program in 2014.