Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining

Robinson, G.

SUEZ Water Technologies & Solutions, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Gregg Robinson is a 20-yr veteran of SUEZ Water Technologies and Solutions and has directly managed applications in boiler, cooling, water/wastewater, RO/ demineralization and refining process chemistry. He serves as an Applications Engineer and Global Product Line Manager for boiler chemistry. Mr. Robinson has recently specialized in developing optimum feedwater and condensate treatment solutions for refining, chemical processing and power plant steam systems. He holds a BS degree in chemical engineering from Penn State University.

Chemistry modeling system—A key to increased steam system reliability

SUEZ Water Technologies & Solutions: Robinson, J.  |  Robinson, G.

Oil refineries and petrochemical plants rely on steam systems to maintain utility and process unit operations.

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