Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining


ACHEMA Perspective 2003-FSU (Russia)

      Comments? Write: editorial@HydrocarbonProcessing.com Russia is a major player within the energy market. T..

ACHEMA Perspective 2003-China

      Comments? Write: editorial@HydrocarbonProcessing.com China is the most populous country, with a rapidly g..

ACHEMA Perspective 2003-Indonesia

Nexant, Inc.: Burke, B.

The Indonesian hydrocarbon and petrochemical industries are significant players in the Southeast Asian region. With approximately 220 million people, the fourth most populous nation i..

ACHEMA Perspective 2003-Japan

HP Editorial Staff: Tsuneto, A.

The petrochemical industry plays a vital role in the Japanese economy. Similar to other national economies, 2002 proved to be a challenging year. Japan's 2002 ethylene production was 7...

ACHEMA Perspective 2003-Korea

Daelim Industrial Co. Ltd.: Chang, J.-Y.

During the first half of 2002, the Korean economy quickly recovered from the recession, especially in the consumer and construction sectors. However, this recovery stagnated in the latt..

ACHEMA Perspective 2003-Argentina

Instituto Petroquimico Aregentino: Friedlander, A.

Argentinean petrochemical consumption has increased to almost 6 million metric tons (MMmt) in 2001 as shown in Table 1. However, a sharp decrease in the 2002 GDP (over  - 10%) shou..

ACHEMA Perspective 2003-Brazil

Brazillian Chemical Industry Association: DeMoraes, G. D. E.

The Brazilian chemical industry is a key segment of the national economy and holds 3% of the gross domestic product (GDP). Approximately 4,500 companies provide jobs for 300,000 workers..

ACHEMA Perspective 2003-Venezuela

IntelliChem, Inc.: Quijada, R.

In Venezuela, the sole producer of crude oil and basic derivatives is state-owned company, Petroleos de Venezuela S.A., also known as PDVSA. In 2002, PDVSA's total production capacity o..

ACHEMA Perspective 2003-Mexico

      Comments? Write: editorial@HydrocarbonProcessing.com Mexico is ranked ninth in crude oil proven reserves ..

ACHEMA Perspective 2003-United States

American Chemistry Council: Swift, T. K.

In the weeks leading up to early March, signs of an economic recovery have been mixed. The outlook for 2003 and 2004 largely depends upon geopolitical events and the effects of higher..