Total picks Technip to debottleneck gas processing plant for Brunei LNG
3/3/2014 12:00:00 AM
Technip has been awarded a significant contract by Total E&P, covering engineering, procurement, supply, construction and commissioning (EPSCC).
This project aims at the modification of the onshore facilities as well as the construction of a new onshore pipeline, in order to transport Maharaja Lela & Jamalulalam South (MLJS) gas to the Brunei liquefied natural gas (BLNG) plant.
The onshore modification work includes de-bottlenecking of the processing plant to enable handling up to 5 million cubic meters/day (annual average) from the greater MLJ field, as well as associated assistance in start up and performance tests.
Technips operating center in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia will execute the contract with support from the office in Brunei. The project is scheduled for completion in the second half of 2015.