Ebullated bed hydrocracking: A process and mechanical upset scenario
The purpose of this article is to describe, analyze and suggest some technical peculiarities and criticalities that can affect the operation and safety of ebullated bed hydrocracking technology units—a process and mechanical upset scenario during emergency shutdown.
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The Authors
Carbonari, L. - Aramco, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
LUCA CARBONARI is a chemical engineer with more than 17 yr of experience in upstream/downstream oil and gas projects on the contractor and client side. Carbonari has gained experience in onsite activities in process design, engineering, commissioning, startup, operations and health, safety and environment (HSE). His current role involves managing contractors and multiple licensors during pre-front-end engineering design (FEED) and FEED execution within the Saudi Aramco Project Management Team.
Dinoi, P. - Aramco, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
PAOLO DINOI is a material engineer with more than 15 yr of experience in oil and gas projects. Dinoi has extensive experience in piping, pressure boundary bolted joints, field engineering, assembly, erection and construction management. His current role involves managing risks, interfaces, and selecting and implementing project execution technologies within the Saudi Aramco Project Management Team.
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