Energy comparison for heat pump and bottom flashing schemes for C3 hydrocarbon system
Propane-propylene splitters are present in significant numbers across petrochemical complex units, such as ethylene crackers and propane dehydrogenation units.
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The Authors
Srivastava, A. - Fluor, Haryana, India
Anand Srivastava is a Process Engineer for Fluor India. He has 15 yr of experience in executing front-end engineering design (FEED) and detailed engineering activities across refining, petrochemical and specialty chemical projects. Srivastava earned a BS degree from the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur.
Bagrola , R. - Fluor, Haryana, India
Rakesh Bagrola is a Process Engineer for Fluor India. He has 20 yr of experience in operation, basic engineering, FEED and engineering, procurement and construction for refining and petrochemical projects. Prior to joining Fluor India, Bagrola worked with UOP India and Haldia Petrochemicals. He earned a BE degree in chemical engineering from Ravishankar Shukla University in Raipur, Chhattisgarh.
Bist, J. - Fluor, Haryana, India
Jyoti Bist is a Process Engineer with Fluor India. She has 12 yr of experience in FEED and detailed engineering for refining projects. Bist earned a BS degree from the University of Petroleum & Energy Studies in Dehradun, India.
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