Maximizing the advantages of electric actuator diagnostics
Driven by stringent greenhouse gas emissions regulations and technical improvements, electric valve actuators are becoming increasingly common in applications throughout the process industry.
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The Authors
Gundaboina, B. - Emerson, Houston, Texas
Bhavana Gundaboina is a Senior Product Marketing Manager for Emerson. She earned her BS degree in mechanical engineering from Osmania University and has spent 12 yr working in the oil, gas and petrochemical industries, supporting product design and manufacturing engineering.
Kmitta, A. - Emerson, Houston, Texas
Anthony Kmitta is a Software Engineering Manager for Emerson. He has spent 16 yr working in the steel, process automation and software development industries, supporting operations, controls and manufacturing engineering. Kmitta earned his BS and MS degrees in electrical engineering from Purdue University.
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