Low-capital options to reduce energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions
Improving energy efficiency is an ongoing objective for refineries to benefit operability, throughput and profitability.
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The Authors
Wells, K. - Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (U.S.)
Kenneth Wells is a Product Applications Engineer for Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions with 41 yr of refinery experience. Wells specializes in antifoulant applications but has also worked on desalting, corrosion control, boiler and cooling tower refinery applications throughout North America. He also specializes in the economic justification of chemical treatment. Wells earned a BS degree in chemical engineering from the University of Delaware.
Jennett, K. - Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (U.S.)
Kendall Jennett is an Account Manager for Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions and her experience stems from more than 10 yr in the refining industry, specializing in desalting and hydroprocessing applications. Jennet earned a BS degree in chemical engineering from Drexel University in Pennsylvania.
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