New practice of diameter-transformed fluidized bed reactor in the petrochemical industry
Motor gasoline standards are becoming increasingly stringent—in particular, the olefins content requirement in motor gasoline is getting lower and lower. Among these standards, China standard motor gasoline VI (B) requires that the olefin content should be < 15 vol%.
SINOPEC Research Institute of Petroleum Processing (RIPP):
Wang, X.
| Xu, Y.
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The Authors
Wang, X. - SINOPEC Research Institute of Petroleum Processing (RIPP), Beijing, China
Xin Wang is a Senior Engineer at Sinopec’s Research Institute of Petroleum Processing. He is engaged in the research of catalytic cracking processes, and has more than 60 patents.
Xu, Y. - SINOPEC Research Institute of Petroleum Processing (RIPP), Beijing, China
Youhao Xu is the Chief Expert of Sinopec. Dr. Xu is the inventor of the proprietary DTFB. He has more than 200 patents and has published 110 papers.
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