How to select the proper valve for reliable performance in critical/severe service applications
Critical and severe service applications demand automated valves that perform reliably under punishing conditions, such as high temperatures, high cycle rates, high shutoff pressures, high velocities, very long required service lives and zero-leakage requirements.
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The Authors
Leavitt, D. - Emerson Automation Solutions, Colorado Springs, Colorado
David Leavitt graduated with a mechanical engineering degree from the Naval Academy and has 15 yr of experience in the oil and gas, power, mining and water/wastewater industries. He is currently a Business Development Manager for Emerson’s Automation Solutions business.
Gremillion, J. - Emerson Automation Solutions, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Jeff Gremillion, formerly with Emerson, worked in the valve industry for 25 yr, the last three with Emerson. He graduated from Louisiana State University with a degree in marketing and a minor in chemistry. Mr. Gremillion has a strong background providing valve solutions for difficult applications.
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