Optimizing failure data analysis
A critical objective of engineers who design an automatic protection system is to lower the false trip rate and to lower a key metric called average probability of failure on demand (PFDavg).
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The Authors
Stewart, L. - exida LLC, Sellersville, Pennsylvania
Loren Stewart is a Senior Safety Engineer for exida. She has more than 10 yr of experience and focuses on the mechanical aspects of exida’s customers. Along with assessing the safety of products and certifications, she is an exida Academy instructor, teaching classes involving IEC 61508 and IEC 61511, and conducting monthly webinars on functional safety. She has also co-authored a book on safety instrumented systems, Final Elements in Safety Instrumented Systems – IEC 61511 Compliant Systems and IEC 61508 Compliant Products. Ms. Stewart earned a BSME degree from Virginia Tech.
Statham, S. - exida LLC, Sellersville, Pennsylvania
Shawn Statham is the Global Business Development Director at exida. His career spans more than 25 yr in the valve and automation industry. During this time, Mr. Statham has been an innovation leader in the field of functional safety, working to improve final element performance and reliability. He is a certified functional safety professional and cybersecurity professional.
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