Process control reimagined
Imagine visiting the control room of a typical process unit at a refinery.
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The Authors
Yamaguchi, A. - Yokogawa, Tokyo, Japan
Akio Yamaguchi manages the APC and Optimization business and portfolio at Yokogawa. He has 11 yr of comprehensive experience in APC engineering, as well as an additional 10 yr of professional experience in software development, programming and project management. He leads the development of APC and Optimization business to achieve Yokogawa’s Industry Automation to Industry Autonomy (IA2IA) vision.
Ikegaya, Y. - Yokogawa, Tokyo, Japan
Yoshihiro Ikegaya is the Product Manager for APC products at Yokogawa. He has developed Yokogawa’s APC products for 15 yr, as well as an additional 6 yr of product planning, marketing and technical support.
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