Resolving a chronic water injection pump high vibration through a shaft-lifting technique
This article explores the investigation into the chronic high vibration issues of a particular water injection pump.
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The Authors
Alharbi, W. A. - Saudi Aramco, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Wesam A. Alharbi has been working as a Vibration Engineer at Saudi Aramco’s Consulting Services Department since 2015. He provides technical consultations to resolve complex rotating machinery and static equipment vibration issues. His scope covers all Saudi Aramco oil and gas facilities in Saudi Arabia. Mr. Alharbi holds several international certifications in the field of condition monitoring and reliability and has a wide experience in technology evaluation and deployment of pilot programs.
Ghazal, A. - Saudi Aramco, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Ahmed Ghazal is the Technical Lead for Saudi Aramco’s additive manufacturing strategy and responsible for deployment and value creation. He has more than 6 yr of experience in the oil and gas industry. He began his career as a dynamic analysis engineer, providing technical consultations to Saudi Aramco facilities and resolving issues related to machinery and structural vibrations.
Turcan, D. - Saudi Aramco, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Dr. Doru C. Turcan is a vibration engineer. At present, his role includes vibration analysis, conducting vibration analysis trainings, standards and procedures development and conducting a company-wide vibration monitoring benchmarking program. He has more than 20 yr of rotating equipment troubleshooting experience.
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