Reasons for vibration issues in boilers and furnaces
A conversation with a long-time colleague at an industry trade show inspired me to think about one of the most confounding problems that occur in boilers and furnaces: vibration.
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The Author
Webster, T. - XRG Technologies, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Timothy Webster has more than 25 yr of experience in the combustion industry and brings a wealth of experience and technical expertise across a wide range of industries to XRG Technologies. He graduated with a BS degree in mechanical engineering from San Jose State University in California and received an MS degree in engineering from the University of Wisconsin. Mr. Webster began his career engineering custom combustion systems for a wide range of applications including boilers, heaters, furnaces, kilns and incinerators. He is a licensed professional mechanical engineer in the states of California, Texas, Louisiana and Oklahoma, has authored numerous articles and papers and has co-authored several combustion handbooks.
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