Stack gas scrubbing to meet IMO’s 0.5% sulfur bunkering requirement
The International Maritime Organization implemented the IMO 2020 regulations on January 1, 2020.
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The Authors
Ott, P. - Optimized Gas Treating, Buda, Texas
Pedro Ott joined Optimized Gas Treating Inc. in 2018 as a Senior Applications Engineer in Business Development, providing marketing, licensing and technical support to ProTreat and SulphurPro customers. With over 25 yr of experience, he is an expert in acid gas treating, sulfur recovery, gasoline and distillates hydroprocessing, sour water stripping and LNG. He holds a BS degree in chemical engineering from Simón Bolívar University in Venezuela and a specialization in petroleum refining and gas from IFP School in France. In addition to English, he is fluent in Spanish and French.
Weiland, R. H. - Optimized Gas Treating, Buda, Texas
Ralph Weiland is Chairman of Optimized Gas Treating. He formed Optimized Gas Treating more than 25 yr ago, and with Australian colleagues developed the ProTreat mass transfer rate-based gas treating simulator, and later the sulfur plant simulator SulphurPro. He holds BASc and MASc degrees, as well as a PhD, in chemical engineering from the University of Toronto.
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