TOTAL refineries improve overhead systems corrosion and salting with amine-neutralizing technology
Weak organic amines are commonly used in crude unit overhead systems to prevent acidic corrosion from chlorides and other acidic contaminants via a neutralization reaction.
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The Authors
Brun, L. A. - Total, Gonfreville, France
Laurent-Alain Brun is a Process Engineer based in TOTAL Research and Technology in Gonfreville, France. He oversees troubleshooting and process support for crude units for TOTAL Refining and Chemicals. He has 25 yr of experience in refining process support for projects and operation. He earned chemical engineer degrees from Mines de Nancy and ENSPM in Rueil-Malmaison, France.
Majorel, C. - Total, Gonfreville, France
Céline Majorel is a Process and Corrosion Engineer based in TOTAL Research and Technology in Gonfreville, France. She leads the feedstock and crude support for TOTAL Refining and Chemicals. She has 12 yr of experience, primarily in research and development and plant support within TOTAL. She earned a chemical and material engineer degree from Phelma school in Grenoble, France.
Thoret-Bauchet, J. P. - Total, Feluy, France
Jean-Pierre Thoret-Bauchet is a Process Chemist, Fouling and Process Treatment Specialist based in TOTAL Research and Technology in Feluy, France. He has 25 yr of experience in plant support and troubleshooting within TOTAL. He earned a chemical engineer degree from ENSCL Lille and a PhD in polymer and organic chemistry from the University of Lille.
Pothuaud, A. - SUEZ Water Technologies & Solutions, Paris, France
Alain Pothuaud is French Senior Product Application in the Refinery and Petrochemical business for 18 yr. With more than 33 yr of experience within SUEZ –Water Technologies & Solutions, he is a member of the Center of Excellence in corrosion and high-acid crudes processing. He earned a chemical engineer degree from INSCIR Rouen.
Cross, C. - SUEZ Water Technologies & Solutions, Tomball, Texas
Collin Cross is a Global Product Line Manager for SUEZ – Water Technologies & Solutions and leads the Center of Excellence for refinery corrosion. He has been supporting process chemistry applications for 24 yr. Dr. Cross earned a PhD in physical chemistry from the University of Oklahoma, where he participated in the Institute for Applied Surfactant Research.
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