Virtual analyzers: Shaping the future of product quality
Product quality directly drives price and where hydrocarbons can be delivered.
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The Authors
Robinson, P. - Validere, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Patrick Robinson is a Data Scientist at Validere in Toronto. He spent more than 2 yr as a data scientist and quantitative developer in the financial sector, primarily validating short-term trading strategies. Dr. Robinson built an introductory data science course and was also a lead educator for BrainStation, a digital skills training company, and is an occasional lecturer at the University of Toronto. He earned a PhD and MSc degree in mathematics from the University of Toronto, as well as a Bch degree in math and physics.
O'Hara, T. - Validere, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Tess O’Hara is an engineering graduate who is specializing in the energy industry. She recently earned her Bch degree in mathematics and mechanical engineering at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada, and has also earned a Business Certificate from the Smith School of Business at Queen’s University.
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