Maximizing diesel hydrotreater profit by multivariable optimization: A case study
A diesel hydrotreater (DHT) is a critical unit within an oil refinery. A DHT processes the diesel range fractions obtained from different units of the refinery—such as from the crude distillation unit and the delayed coker unit—to adhere to diesel fuel market specifications.
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The Authors
R. Bandyopadhyay - Haldor Topsoe, New Delhi, India
Dr. Rajarshi Bandyopadhyay is a Principal Scientist in the research and development (R&D) division of Haldor Topsoe where he works with process development of technologies related to the production of renewable diesel and jet fuel. He has more than 13 yr of experience in the chemical process industry, primarily in downstream refining and air separation units. He has handled various profiles ranging from operations, commissioning, detailed and basic engineering design, and technology development. He holds a BE degree from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India, and a PhD from the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India—both in chemical engineering.
Alkilde, O. F. - Haldor Topsoe, Copenhagen, Denmark
Ole Frej Alkilde holds an MSc degree in chemical engineering from the Technical University of Denmark. He graduated in 1996 and has since been employed with Haldor Topsoe. He started as a Catalyst Technical Service Engineer performing start-ups, catalyst evaluations and troubleshooting. After 4 yr, he moved to the R&D division, where he worked 6 yr as a Catalyst Research Engineer on heavy oil upgrading and hydrocracking developments. Since 2006, he has worked with refinery technology, and now he holds a position as Technology Manager for hydroprocessing technology.
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