IMO 2020: Keeping ships at sea while meeting sustainability targets
On January 1, new rules for sulfur emissions on marine bunker fuel came into force.
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The Author
Müller, K. - Clariant, Frankfurt, Germany
DR. Kerstin Müller is Clariant Refinery Services’ product expert in pour point depressants. She supports global refiners and fuel trading companies with their crude and fuel oil additive challenges. She coordinates product development and field trials, as well as global research projects related to crude and fuel oil additives, specifically related to transport and storage. Dr. Müller received her PhD in polymer chemistry from the University of Marburg in Germany. Currently, she is focusing on fuel stabilization and compatibility issues that have occurred due to the recent IMO 2020 standards introduced for bunker fuel. In her collaborative projects with customers, she has gained a wealth of experience on fuel composition and compliance with fuel standards.
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