Digital: Technologies are advancing industry beyond alarm management
Let’s face it, alarm management is a fully mature body of knowledge. Since the mid-1990s, industry has improved thousands of alarm systems, transforming them from overloaded nuisances to valuable operator tools for abnormal situation detection and response.
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The Author
Hollifield, B. - PAS Global, Houston, Texas
Bill Hollifield is the Principal Consultant at PAS responsible for alarm management and high-performance HMI. He is an ISA Fellow and member of the ISA-18 Alarm Management committee, the ISA-101 HMI committee and the API-1167 Alarm Management committee. He is a co-author of the Electric Power Research Institute’s Alarm Management Guidelines for both power generation and transmission, <i>The High-Performance HMI Handbook,</i> and <i>The Alarm Management Handbook.</i> In addition, he has spoken at numerous conferences and has published many articles on these topics. He has more than 40 yr of industry experience focusing on project management, chemical production and control systems. Mr. Hollifield holds a BCh degree in mechanical engineering from Louisiana Tech University and an MBA degree from the University of Houston.
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