Optimization: Calculate a gas-gas ejector’s power consumption and efficiency
Gas-gas ejectors are seeing more applications in the oil and gas industry.
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The Authors
Al-Alshaikh, T. H. - Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia
Tariq Hosain Al-Alshaikh is a Senior Engineering Consultant on compressors, expanders and steam turbines for Saudi Aramco. Mr. Al-Alshaikh holds an MS degree in fluid dynamics from the University of Southern California. He also teaches short courses on compressors and steam turbines to employees.
Alamer, A. A. - Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia
Ahmad Adnan Alamer is a Turbomachinery Specialist working on compressors, expanders and steam turbines for Saudi Aramco. Mr. Alamer holds an MS degree in mechanical engineering and aeronautics from the University of California–Davis, and a BS degree in mechanical engineering from King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals in Saudi Arabia.
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