Processing hydrogen-rich gas in a PSA unit
At Tüpraş’ Kırıkkale refinery, adsorbents in pressure-swing adsorption (PSA) units must be reloaded due to the low hydrogen (H2) recovery and low capacity factor of such units.
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The Authors
Iner, C. - Tüpraş, Kırıkkale, Turkey
Cansu Iner is a Hydroprocessing Units Superintendent in the process department of Tüpraş’ Kırıkkale refinery. She holds a BS degree in chemical engineering and an MS degree in industrial engineering from Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Turkey.
Dağ, E. - Tüpraş, Kırıkkale, Turkey
Ersev Dağ is a Process Engineer in hydroprocessing at Tüpraş, responsible for hydrodesulfurization and other units. He graduated as a chemical engineer from Gazi University in Ankara, Turkey.
Bilgi, M. Z. - Tüpraş, Kırıkkale, Turkey
Mehmet Zaki Bilgi is a Hydroprocessing Engineer at Tüpraş, responsible for the hydrogen production and hydrocracking units at the Kırıkkale refinery. He graduated from Middle East Technical University.
Sayan, H. - Tüpraş, İzmit, Turkey
Hale Sayan is a Process and Equipment Development Superintendent at Tüpraş headquarters. Her refining experience includes process simulation, equipment design, process engineering for crude and vacuum units and various revamp projects. She holds a BS degree in chemical engineering from Middle East Technical University.
Uzun, S. - Tüpraş, İzmit, Turkey
Secil Uzun is a Process Equipment and Development Superintendent at Tüpraş headquarters. Her refining experience includes process simulation, equipment design, commissioning and startup for vacuum and coking units. She holds a BS degree in chemical engineering and an MS degree in fuel and energy technologies from Boğaziçi University in Istanbul, Turkey.
Orman, S. - Tüpraş, İzmit, Turkey
SULTAN ORMAN is a Process Superintendent at Tüpraş headquarters, responsible for hydrogen production units. She has experience in building a management information system to monitor the performances of refining process units. She holds MS and BS degrees in chemical engineering from Middle East Technical University and an MBA degree from Koç University in Istanbul, Turkey.
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