Risk: Navigating energy volatility: Understanding the principles of commodity risk management
The persistent volatility of energy prices is well known, and sustained price movements have fueled a boom-and-bust cycle in different energy sectors for decades.
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The Authors
Echols, J. - Opportune LLP, Houston, Texas
John Echols is a Partner in Opportune’s energy consulting practice. He has more than 30 yr of business experience, including 6 yr as a senior executive in the energy industry. Mr. Echols was a partner with Arthur Andersen’s audit practice, serving energy clients in Andersen’s Houston, Texas and New Orleans, Louisiana offices. He left Andersen to join Enron’s wholesale energy trader, serving as Managing Director in both commercial and commercial support roles. At Enron, he assisted in the structuring of complex gas supply contracts, as well as the design of complex integrated power and gas arrangements.
Crowley, G. - Opportune LLP, Houston, Texas
Greg Crowley is a Director in Opportune’s strategy and enterprise risk practice areas. During his 25-yr energy-centered career, he has created and led several commodity trading platforms in both the physical and financial institutional environments. Mr. Crowley has worked across multiple industry segments
helping companies understand market, credit, liquidity and operational risks.
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