Understand the installation of steam tracing for long-term application success—Part 1
One of the most misunderstood and misused components of conductive steam tracing systems is heat transfer compound (HTC).
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The Authors
Hannah, C. C. - QMax Industries Inc., Charlotte, North Carolina
Carson Hannah is a Product Development Specialist at QMax Industries Inc., with focuses in heat transfer, temperature measurement and temperature control. He also manages new technology development and implementation at QMax Catalytic LLC. Mr. Hannah co-holds one patent related to thermal maintenance technology, with several more in the application phase.
Perry, T. W. - QMax Industries Inc., Charlotte, North Carolina
Thomas W. Perry has more than 18 yr of experience in industrial heat transfer technologies. He is the Founder and President of QMax Industries Inc., as well as the Cofounder and Chief Technology Officer of QMax Catalytic LLC and President of Precise Thermal LLC. Mr. Perry holds several patents in the field of heat transfer.
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