Process safety as a profit center?
In today’s economic environment, new capital spending is harder to find than loose change buried under the couch cushions.
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The Authors
Scott, M. - aeSolutions, Anchorage, Alaska
Mike Scott is the Executive Vice President of Global Process Safety Technology with aeSolutions, a company that specializes in process safety lifecycle solutions. He has more than 29 yr of experience in risk analysis, safety instrumented systems and control systems engineering, and has performed/implemented conceptual design, detailed design, configuration and startup/commissioning exercises for the process industry.
Schuler, T. - aeSolutions, Dallas, Texas
Taylor Schuler is the Business Development Manager for software products within aeSolutions. He has nearly 20 yr of experience with performance improvement software solutions in which he designed/specified functionality, tested and documented features and conducted enterprise implementation projects. His present focus is on business development activities, with a strong focus on return on investment.
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